Print version ISSN 0101-3106
ALI, Nabil S. Almeida. In times of pact with the devil in veredas mortas: the Riobaldo's life value. Ide (São Paulo) [online]. 2020, vol.42, n.70, pp.105-118. ISSN 0101-3106.
This article sought in Brazilian and universal literature a character of João Guimarães Rosa who, like no other, is connected with the theme of this volume "The Value of Life": Riobaldo, from the book Grande Sertão: Veredas. The jagunço's narrative launches the reader into an unprecedented imaginary world in which from the recreation and recomposition of the word to the very meaning of what is good and evil it also invites him to go deeper into knowing the history of the very origin of Brazilianness. The importance of knowing the life of the jagunço is revealed as an arduous and courageous exercise of carrying out the journey of the crossing in aid called by the narrator for him to be able to remember, relive, to be moved, elaborate and feel. The presentation of this sensitive being in rustic and often cruel clothes is revealing of the ontological sense of human nature itself.
Keywords : Psychoanalisys; Riobaldo; Life.