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Tempo psicanalitico

Print version ISSN 0101-4838On-line version ISSN 2316-6576


SILVEIRA, Eveliny Barbosa Coelho da; CRUZ, Shimênia Vieira de Oliveira  and  MELO, Roberta de Sousa. Mirages of the Ego: anguish, desire and aesthetic production of the ideal female body. Tempo psicanal. [online]. 2021, vol.53, n.1, pp.249-278. ISSN 0101-4838.

The present work starts from the psychoanalytic and socioanthropological conception that the body, beyond its biological status, is the territory where the subject produces senses and meanings about himself and the world, through the relationship he establishes with the social context. This study aimed to investigate the places attributed to the body in the subjective productions of its participating women, circumscribing the dimensions of anxiety and desire, given the overvaluation of body image in contemporaneity and the increasing triggering of various modalities of psychological suffering related to this process - especially in the female universe. It is an exploratory research that used the method of case studies in order to deepen the understanding of the discourses brought by three women, selected by convenience. The analysis of the data was made in the light of the theoretical reference of the psychoanalysis of Lacanian orientation and of the socioanthropology of the body. The testimonies show that the subjective and corporal constructions of these women are strongly marked by the suffering in not adjusting to the aesthetic standards in which the lack and the precariousness of the body are placed as negative attributes. On the other hand, their stories also tell us about ways of questioning and subversion of these impositions.

Keywords : Feminine body; body production; psychoanalysis; socioanthropology of the body.

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