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SANTOS, Adelson Bruno dos Reis  and  CECCARELLI, Paulo Roberto. Psychoanalysis and Sexual Moral. Reverso [online]. 2010, vol.32, n.59, pp.23-30. ISSN 0102-7395.

Sexual morality is a fact of culture. There is no society in which rules regarding the use of the libido are inexistent. Controlling the “pleasures of the flesh” has always been, in different intensities and changeable moments, a constituent element of the human being. Being the cultural imaginary a social-historical construction, the present article tries to show that some Freudian thesis, in particular those presented in Modern sexual Morality and Modern Nervousness (1908) frontally hit some Ideals of Occidental culture. Therefore, the authors try to elucidate how Occidental culture has created the sexual morality, which produces modern nervousness.

Keywords : Morality; Sexuality; Civilization; Neurosis; Religion.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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