Psicologia Clínica
Print version ISSN 0103-5665On-line version ISSN 1980-5438
CRUZ, Alexandre Dutra Gomes da and FERRARI, Ilka Franco. Applied psychoanalysis to the symptom: an ethical response to the challenges faced by the psychoanalysts nowadays. Psicol. clin. [online]. 2011, vol.23, n.1, pp.157-169. ISSN 0103-5665.
This paper is about the applied Psychoanalysis in our time when the capitalist discourse takes place, which enhances the increasing specialization of clinical knowledge and promoter, in the clinical area, of the fragmentation of the major diagnostic categories. This carries out the development of even more specialized and segregative institutions. As far as massification of therapeutic and the increasing bureaucratization of technical procedures - full of evaluative measures - are concerned as being introduced, the authors propose the introduction of applied Psychoanalysis in institutions of health, without allowing it to be dissolved in the several fields of psychotherapies. The psychoanalyst's formation and the symptom are considered articulator axes of epistemological dimensions, ethics and politics of applied Psychoanalysis as far as lacanian orientation is concerned, which means an ethic accomplishment for the psychoanalysts when confronted to the new demands of the contemporary world.
Keywords : applied psychoanalysis; symptom; psychoanalyst's formation; health institutions.