Revista Psicopedagogia
Print version ISSN 0103-8486
BURITI, Ana Karina Lima and ROSA, Marine Raquel Diniz da. Auditory perception in students with dyslexia: a systematic review. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2014, vol.31, n.94, pp.82-88. ISSN 0103-8486.
OBJECTIVE: To describe key aspects of auditory perception in dyslexic children aimed at contributing the updating of speech and language therapists and educators who work with the process of language development in schoolchildren. METHODS: A bibliographical research was performed in Medline, SciELO, LILACS, from the combination of the descriptors: auditory perception, dyslexia, child, learning and children language. Seventeen complete national articles were selected for the analysis of this study, after deleting repeated items, not available, with no words or themes in keeping with the theme. RESULTS: It was observed that the vast majority of studies have used the auditory processing to assess auditory abilities. The Cognitive Performance Test Language was also used in children aged between 6-14 years-old. Almost all studies have found a significant relationship between learning how to read and temporal auditory processing in schoolchildren. CONCLUSION: Based on the analyzed studies, it can be noticed the necessity not only to detect changes in auditory perception in dyslexic children, but also the creation of a proposal by the speech and language therapists of an auditory perceptual training to promote better performance of auditory and linguistic skills of schoolchildren, so that it may decrease the number of school failures.
Keywords : Auditory perception; Dyslexia; Hearing; Learning; Child.