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LEMOS, Flávia Cristina Silveira. History of space and government in Foucault Michel. Barbaroi [online]. 2012, n.36, pp.138-148. ISSN 0104-6578.

This paper aims to examine how Foucault used historical documents about the political geography in pendents of biopower, which was formed as a composition between discipline and biopolitics. The control bodies, the production of subjectivities and relations of power-knowledge in contemporany society in a historical perspective gained emphasis on studies on governmentality to the above author. The aim is thus noted as Foucault analyzed the documents such as architectural plans. Ends up the text with the statement that the architecture of the institutions, the company's management and discipline of bodies aimed at a subject in the name of security concurrently trying to expand life in ways, that make it useful and healthy.

Keywords : Biopower; Geopolitics; Michel Foucault.

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