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ABRAHAO, Rafaela Carvalho; GODOY, Julia Almeida  and  HALPERN, Ricardo. Self-medication and behavior in adolescents from a city in Rio Grande do Sul. Aletheia [online]. 2013, n.41, pp.134-153. ISSN 1413-0394.

Objective: To study the consumption of drugs and associations with sociodemographic and behavioral variables, as well as, the most frequently used drugs. Methods: Cross-sectional study with students from the 5th grade. Data were collected through a questionnaire with demographic and behavioral variables, the analysis was done by SPSS 18.0 and Chi - square test. Results: 11.9 % used drugs regularly. 35.9 % used medication in the previous week to the questionaire in both groups had a predominance of girls and higher alcohol consumption, followed by illicit drugs and tobacco. Conclusions: Self-medication was found to be prevalent among girls with 16 years old. In observed family relationship as the indication of the same. There are significant positive associations with self-medication with alcohol and drugs abuse. Students and their families with regular use has higher education in comparison with the other group. Antihistamines and drugs for respiratory diseases were used more regularly, but analgesic, antiinflammatory and antipyretic were more prevalente in the last week recordatory

Keywords : Self-medication; School; Drugs.

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