Cadernos de psicanálise (Rio de Janeiro)
On-line version ISSN 1413-6295
BALESTRIN, Patrícia Rosa and MOSCHEN, Simone Zanon. The social bond and the subject paralyzed by tetraplegia. Cad. psicanal. [online]. 2019, vol.41, n.40, pp.203-223. ISSN 1413-6295.
This study makes articulation between trauma and desire from the listening of quadriplegic patients who suffered traumatic events and had to find in the new configuration of their daily life something that allowed them to put themselves back in life (re)linking it to the desire. Freudian-Lacanian Psychoanalysis concepts are related to elements derived from two movie pictures, as well as fragments from the listening of two cases of tetraplegia, accompanied since the impairment by the "accident", in the hospital context, continuing until the trip home and the experience of facing the difficulties caused by this contingency suffered in the body.
Keywords : Psychoanalysis; Tetraplegia; Body; Trauma; Desire; Social bond.