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Psicologia Escolar e Educacional

Print version ISSN 1413-8557


RODRIGUES, Maria do Rosário de Fátima; QUEIROZ, Sávio Silveira de  and  ALENCAR, Heloisa Moulin de. Possible influences of the elaboration of drawings on children narratives. Psicol. esc. educ. [online]. 2008, vol.12, n.1, pp.203-219. ISSN 1413-8557.

There was an analysis of 60 narratives made by children, comparing their characteristics with drawings of the setting, before and after the story, divided in the following situations of production: 15 students of 7 years old, from first grade (1st grade) and 15 of 9 years old, from third grade (3rd grade), drawn a setting in a image editor for a story that has been written by them in a text editor; 15 students, of each age and grade mentioned, realized these same activities inversely. The results indicate that the situation drawing-before had influence on the apparitions of the characteristics "causal explanation" and "elaborated ending" in the narratives of 7-years old children, and the "resolution of the situation-problem explained" in the narratives of 9-years old children. The situation drawing-after influenced, in the narratives of 7-years old children, the appearance of characteristics of "magical explanation" and "solving the situation-problem without coherence", and between the 9-years old children, the characteristics "ending with topic changes".

Keywords : Narratives; Drawing; Production.

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