Revista da SBPH
Print version ISSN 1516-0858
SCREMIN, Simone Medianeira; AVILA, Rosana Costa de and BRANCO, Carla Joseane. Reaches and limits of the Psychology service at deputado Nelson Marchezan's casualty department Canoas. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2009, vol.12, n.1, pp.57-69. ISSN 1516-0858.
The work of interdisciplinary teams is becoming more frequent in emergency services. Its goals are to give the patients and their families a multi-faceted approach to an emergency, and to work on repairing both the physical injuries and the emotional difficulties caused by hospitalization. Psychological attention is a very important specialty in this context, aimed at minimizing the individuals’ suffering, through actions focusing on disease prevention, wellness promotion and health maintenance. Each new situation challenges the psychologist with the unknown, which demands a good deal of flexibility from the professionals in order to determine what will be the most effective action for each situation - subsequently revealing the unique qualities of each case. In this article we present and describe the activities that are developed by the Psychology Service of the Casualty department hospital from Canoas, Deputado Nelson Marchezan. The aforementioned activities are: welcoming, emergency room, observation room, surgical ward, international unit, intensive treatment unit and hospital commissions. This study is considered to be relevant by its theoretical and empirical support, and for being related to the medical and individual emergency, therefore enabling its contribution as an instrument and as a practical guideline for psychologists that work with, and are interested in this subject.
Keywords : Hospital psychology; Emergency; Psychological trauma.