Revista da SBPH
Print version ISSN 1516-0858
COSTA, Veridiana Alves de Sousa Ferreira et al. Cartografia de uma ação em saúde: o papel do psicólogo hospitalar. Rev. SBPH [online]. 2009, vol.12, n.1, pp.113-134. ISSN 1516-0858.
Currently, Hospital Psychology is presented in ample way and is recognized as important. In general, the work of the hospital psychologist keeps the focus in the suffering and the decurrent repercussions of the illness and hospitalization, associating this aspect with other factors, as life history, forms as to deal with the illness and its personality profile. The increasing interest of the students and the opening of the work field, for times, can re-echo in a work without aiming that contributes for the resistance of some hospital institutions. This research has the objective to map the field of performance of the hospital psychologist in Recife. We carry through a survey of hospitals of public and private the net that made use of psychologists in its team with intention to analyze the formation that bases practical its and to verify as the work of psychological intervention comes being carried through. The results point with respect to the specialization as an essential tool that it favors the practical one. Given the reality of this environment, the supervision of the cases and the personal work also they are placed as basic. The recognition of the performance of the psychologist and the performance of its paper in interdisciplinary teams has been valued for the excessively professional ones. With this, hospital psychology comes not only gaining space in hospitals of the public net, but also of the private net.
Keywords : Hospital psychology; Field of performance; Intervention.