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Revista de Etologia

Print version ISSN 1517-2805


CUNHA, Juliana Gomes da  and  GARCIA, Agnaldo. Práticas de adoções caninas: um estudo documental comparativo entre instituições latino-americanas. Rev. etol. [online]. 2014, vol.13, n.2, pp.10-24. ISSN 1517-2805.

There are few studies about canine adoption by humans, although it seems crescent the interest for the relationship between those species. In this sense, we aimed to broaden the debate with the comparison of the practices of the institutions involved in canine adoptions of three Latin American countries: Brazil, Mexico and Argentina. In order to do so, we gathered online data from the websites of five institutions in each country. The obtained data was divided into eight "analysis points", and then described and analyzed. We observed, in general, a strong consonance between the practices of the three countries, suggesting amotion towards the preservation of canine life that is shared, at least partly, in the Latin American reality. The principles and missions showed themselves engaged in promoting respect to the animal rights and animal welfare, which lacks further investigations in relation to dogs. We'd like to point out the possibility of expanding the study by including data from other countries and regions.

Keywords : Canine adoption; relationship between species; animal welfare; dogs; humans.

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