Revista de Etologia
Print version ISSN 1517-2805
SIQUEIRA, Leandro de Castro. Proposta de tradução do termo mobbing para o português. Rev. etol. [online]. 2014, vol.13, n.2, pp.38-47. ISSN 1517-2805.
Clear definitions and standardized terminology in animal behavior studies have great significance in advancing research, avoiding misunderstandings in scientific communication, and helping the dissemination of subjects confined to academic studies to a broader audience. The behavior known as mobbing in English lacks a standard term to be used in animal behavior studies written in Portuguese. After examining mobbing's etymology and meanings, enumerating the main characteristics of this behavior in the many taxa where it occurs, suggesting some Portuguese words for translation and analyzing arguments in favor of and against their use, this article proposes the use of the word "assédio" to characterize mobbing behavior in studies written in Portuguese.
Keywords : Assédio; mobbing; terminology; animal behavior; translation.