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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

Print version ISSN 1518-6148


ELIZALDE, Rodrigo. Resignified and counter-hegemonic leisure: "dreamdesigning" a sustainable world. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.4, pp.1313-1336. ISSN 1518-6148.

The objective of this paper is to place the issue of leisure in the present, linking it to the need for a profound paradigmatic, epistemological-political-educational change, which manages to cope with some of the alarming social and ecological realities of the moment. It is a review linking social transformation and "evolution" with a new education, based on transformational learning, in which leisure appears as a potential contributor for this required evolutionary leap. We design machines, technology, maps, plans, cities, worlds. Now arises the idea of dreaming and designing together, a "dreamdesigning", as an essential strategy to revitalize our society and allow us to dare and dream other possible worlds. From this starting point, it is postulated that the relationship between resignified leisure and transformational learning can, potentially, help us to dare and dreamdesign utopias from which we can produce social transformation. Paradoxically, leisure can contribute to preserve and, in fact it does, the status quo and the current social order, the stereotypes and the exclusionary, alienating and consumerist values. From another perspective, leisure can open the possibility for more humane, just, inclusive, participative and solidary societies. These considerations show that leisure, in our societies, is a dynamic, complex phenomenon, full of conflicts, tensions, ambiguities and potentialities.

Keywords : Leisure; counter-hegemonic leisure; transformational learning; paradigm shift; social transformation [evolution].

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