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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

Print version ISSN 1518-6148


SILVA, Lúcia Almeida da  and  SANTOS, Nair Iracema Silveira. Subjectivity and work in education. Rev. Mal-Estar Subj. [online]. 2011, vol.11, n.4, pp.1429-1460. ISSN 1518-6148.

Education and the work context in educational institutions are recurring themes in the analysis of experts and theorists, in view of new social configurations and subjective processes that are included in them. In almost all discourses, questions on new pedagogic methods and interven-tions, as well as on the challenges to face contemporary problems are raised. Education is em-bedded in the social net and it is trespassed, all the time, by forces, power and knowledge rela-tions that define modes of being and acting. Teachers suffer the effects of these new social for-mations, both in relation to the different social bonds and relationships that are daily established at school, and in relation to their own working mode. This article's aim is to discuss how the edu-cator's subjectivity is being configured, considering him from a worker position. We examined the different social configurations that were produced during the Brazilian educational historical de-velopment in order to understand the transformations that take place and the work processes that are produced, constituting different modes of being and working in the Porto Alegre Municipal Education Net (RME). We delineated a discourse analysis, inspired by a dialogue between the studies of Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze, considering teachers and principals' discourses found in files of counseling, meetings and training with teachers of RME, taken as analyzers of the historical construction of discoursivities. We emphasized the complaint as an expression of teacher's suffering and illness at work, produced by the hegemonic discourses and practices that put the teacher-worker in a place of weakness and impotence, effects of a neoliberal rationality, a logic that operates on the behavior regulation and today's subjectivity processes.

Keywords : Subjectivity; work; education; suffering; discourse.

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