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vol.13 issue3-4The manager analystArt and therapeutic mediation: about one device with adolescents in the school-clinic author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

Print version ISSN 1518-6148


ZANETTI, Fernando; SOUZA, Ricardo Abussafy de; FRANCA, Sonia A. M.  and  CASSOLI, Tiago. The practices of health production and the management of human conducts. Rev.Mal-Estar Subj [online]. 2013, vol.13, n.3-4, pp.749-774. ISSN 1518-6148.

This article analyses a set of practices that, in our days, are inscribed in the processes of health production, in the context of the government of populations, in which certain objects are evidenced for the management of the human conducts. Art, laughter and waste will be the fields included in the analysis of these practices that depend on the existence of free individuals as objects of governmentality. For such, the analysis is heading within these different territories of effectuation of life. The experiences of waste management in the city, produced by socio-medical discourses and practices, are focused. Within these experiences, it is established, that the costs for both the normality of economic curves and for the public organization of cities for the realization of social welfare, should be consideredin the calculation of the exercise of the individual liberties practices.The humanitarian'sclownspractices in health institutions, on the other hand, emerge as an element able to offer new content for the processes of subjectification. Processes inscribed within the self-focused practiceslogic of on the development of human capital and within the pursuit of health and happiness, even in limit-experiences situationsof the human existence, such as death, war, poverty. Finally, the artistic practices, which circulate nowadays in various fields such as education and health, social projects and philanthropic deeds of various kinds, respond to a demand for production of free individuals, needed in order to have a useful, healthy and productive population. The materials under analysis in these three fields of intervention and transformation of the elements of the population will constitute the pedagogical strategies that will be in circulation in the production of a government calculation reason to promote free, healthy, happy, creative, and, therefore, productive individuals.

Keywords : governamentality; health; waste; laughter; art.

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