Revista Psicologia Política
Print version ISSN 1519-549XOn-line version ISSN 2175-1390
PEREIRA, Guilherme Nunes; CRUZ, Sany Kelly Batista and COUTINHO, Gabriel Akira Oliveira. The Discussion Processes of Legal Age Reduction in Brazil and Uruguay: the influences of the media and organized civil society in public opinion. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2016, vol.16, n.36, pp.169-183. ISSN 1519-549X.
This article consists in a set of informations about reducing the legal age in Brazil, presenting the debates involved in the proposal made by the Constitutional Amendment Project (PEC) nº 171/1993 which was discussed in the country in 2015. The artice focuss the question of public opinion and their influences comparing to a similar event occurred in Uruguay in 2014, which had as an important actor the civil society organizations, committed to changing public opinion on the subject under discussion.
Keywords : Reduction of Legal Age; PEC 171/1993; Public Opinion; Civil Society; Uruguay.