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Revista Psicologia Política

Print version ISSN 1519-549XOn-line version ISSN 2175-1390


BATISTA, Lázaro  and  LOUREIRO, Ana Jéssica Lima. "He will call me mother?": Maternity and separation in the chain. Rev. psicol. polít. [online]. 2017, vol.17, n.38, pp.57-71. ISSN 1519-549X.

This study aimed to know the experiences of imprisoned mothers had to be separated from children born in prison in the state of Roraima, Extreme North of Brazil. Two women participated in the study through semi-structured interviews. The results, grouped into categories of analysis, indicate the dissonance between a socially imposed ideal of motherhood and the daily difficulties of exercising maternal practices or accompanying the development of children, due to the context of imprisonment. It was found that the experience of motherhood comes to be experienced with suffering and frustration, due to the separation and subsequent impossibility of following the growth of the children. It was also noticed that the daily imprisonment implies the almost absence of visits or contact with the children and other relatives and some of the resulting psychosocial repercussions. Finally, we affirm the need to take changes in the current Brazilian prison policy, so that these and other women in a similar situation have, in a minimum, their rights assured.

Keywords : imprisoned mothers; prison; motherliness.

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