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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

Print version ISSN 1676-157X


SOUZA, Pricilla Pesqueira de. Campo de Concentração: uma metáfora para a definição de devastaçãoConcentration camp: a metaphor to the definition of devastation. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2015, n.31, pp.165-175. ISSN 1676-157X.

The present work intends to address the relationship between a mother and her daughter through the lenses of devastation. In 1932, in his text The Femininity, Freud stresses to the importance of the pre-Oedipal relationship to a girl, as well as to the complicated consequences of castration complex, especially in regard to the feelings and demands made to the mother. Lacan (1972) uses the term devastation to describe the relationship between a mother and a daughter. He bases his argument on de concept of Jouissance Another, outside the phallic - a supplementary jouissance to the subjects that are positioned on the feminine side in the formulae of sexuation. Devastation is the manifestation of Jouissance Another in the relationship between a mother and her daughter, and it is based on the absence of significant to say what a woman is. With the objective of clarifying what devastation is about, we resorted to Milan Kundera. In his book The unbearable lightness of being, the author uses the term "concentration camp" to refer the relationship between Tereza and her mother.

Keywords : Oedipus complex; Devastation; Jouissance Another; Concentration camp.

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