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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

Print version ISSN 1676-157X


SOLER, Colette. The totally lonely and its bonds. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2016, n.33, pp.31-44. ISSN 1676-157X.

The author goes back to the latest formulae of Lacan's teaching with the objective of questioning the current state of social bonds. She highlights that, from a certain moment on, the "there is One" begins to counterbalance the "there is not" of the sexual relationship and Lacan insists on saying that we are Uniraties. According to him, the last residue of the outcome is the individual who define him/herself as "The One of jouissance which derives from One-saying no without the other". Currently, the demand for parity is present in everything, much beyond the parity man-woman or hetero-homo. And the escabeau, which lies in the origin of the civilizing performances, is what moves us towards the bonds, despite all individualism. This regime of the escabeau fundamentally changes everything that was said so far about the order of the changes in Lévi-Strauss' structuralist line, adopted by Lacan for some time. LOM is an animal of escabeau or, said in other words, the escabeau is requited by the One-saying of the LOM-parlêtre. It comes from the real and it is up to the analysts to have enter what Lacan has called the "psychoanalyst's knowledge."

Keywords : Social bond; Uniraties; Escabeau; LOM-parlêtre.

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