Psicologia em Revista
Print version ISSN 1677-1168
BAZANELLI PREBIANCHI, Helena. Parents' guidance in children group psychotherapy. Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) [online]. 2011, vol.17, n.1, pp.135-145. ISSN 1677-1168.
This work describes a parent' guidance group which focus was different of those where the aim is teaching specific habilities in children' education. Although those habilities are also shapped by the group, the real focus of this work is to help parents to abandon their negative behaviors in relation to their children, on to its personal image and the way by which they had been created. The conduction of the group occurred concomitantly to the children psycotherapy. In the first stage, the parents had learned to identify their negative feelings and had implemented behavioral and development principles, in raising children. In the second stage, one used role-playing and other cognitive-behavioral interventions to assist them to discriminate their negative feelings previously learned, reducing the guilt, the anger, the shame and the auto-mercy, making possible the reorganization of the behaviors in relation to the children
Keywords : group psychotherapy; child psychotherapy; parents'guidance group.