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Revista da SPAGESP

Print version ISSN 1677-2970


SILVEIRA, Cláudia Alexandra Bolela. The experiences of separation and the ending of the group psycotherapy: a brief reflection. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2008, vol.9, n.1, pp.52-59. ISSN 1677-2970.

This article consists in a reflection on the relationship between the experiences of separation and the ending of psychotherapy of group, which subject is worked in a chapter of the Monograph of Conclusion of the Course of Formation in Analytical Psychotherapy of Group of the SPAGESP produced by the author. The objective is to search to understand the processes of separation lived deeply by the human beings in its development and the psychotherapy of group. For such reflection a dialogue with some authors was carried through whom they write on the subject. From the definition of the term to the significant elaborations, it was verified that the separation constitutes in a painful and necessary experience for the human being, in the relations that are being established in its life.

Keywords : Separation; Psychotherapy of group; Ending.

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