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Revista da SPAGESP

Print version ISSN 1677-2970


GODOY, Daniela Bueno de Oliveira Américo de  and  BAIRRAO, José Francisco Miguel Henriques. Voice and otherness: a counterpoint between psychoanalysis and dialogic psychologies. Rev. SPAGESP [online]. 2018, vol.19, n.1, pp.62-75. ISSN 1677-2970.

This paper presents and outlines a possible debate about "voice". In order to do so, Psychoanalytical contributions and constructions produced by dialogical approaches in psychology are considered. The confluences and divergences related to "addressing" and "materiality", specific analytical axes to these perspectives, are contrasted through the analysis of texts considered pioneers in their respective theoretical fields. In both of them "voice" institutes the subjectivity by the relation with the other. For psychoanalysis this question is amplified as a consequence of the articulation of the appeal to the other. Through language, "voice" inscribes the subject in the Other and actualizes itself as a body. Irreducible to vocal emission, "voice" is equivalent to a structure that can draw on many aesthetic and sensory experiences. By situating "voice" in the topological space, Lacanian psychoanalysis resolves apparent paradoxes such as that related to interiority versus exteriority.

Keywords : voice; dialogic self; Lacanian psychoanalysis; topology.

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