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vol.13 issue3Discursive Psychology in Social Psychology and Health studiesFrançois Tosquelles, their history in the Psychiatric Reform: Deinstitutionalizationand their clues to a clinical approach focused on the work activity author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

On-line version ISSN 1808-4281


PAIM, Denise da Cruz; MACHADO, Rodrigo de Oliveira; SCARPARO, Helena B. K.  and  PIZZINATO, Adolfo. Lights, camera…Action!: In the air, the midiactic transformation of the concept of periphery in the concept of community. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2013, vol.13, n.3, pp.835-854. ISSN 1808-4281.

This article proposes a reflection on the construction of a media based culture of the periphery and its relation with the concept of community, illustrated by the analysis in the case of the "Central da Periferia" show, a program produced by the Rede Globo of television, in 2006. To issue the binomial majority/minority and its consequences in the society of information seeks to understand how the discursive construction of the speaker's ethos about the media periphery transforms the culture of this place in consumerism practices.

Keywords : Periphery; Media; Community; Ethos.

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