Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
On-line version ISSN 1808-4281
ROQUE, Thianne Lourena Cardoso; SILVA, Lívia Medeiros Ramos da and ANDRADE, Cleyton. Freud's Interpretative Thinking in Front of an Aesthetic of Negativity: Some Notes for Approachment. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.2, pp.579-593. ISSN 1808-4281.
To be used of an aesthetic regime which appreciate shape, and it's based on negativity, is to seek to break the systematicity and the self coherent. Turning to the non-identity and sparing of totality aspirations of art understanding, this model of art approachment has its rigor based on an unfinished, in a way of constant transformation, in a being constituted by knowledge and non-knowledge, conferring to the masterpiece a status of autonomy, authenticity and uniqueness. Therefore, the article aims to investigate how the conception of art interpretation sustained by this aesthetic regime may be able to support a turn up in Freud interpretative thinking - this usually placed in a place of art use to validate psychoanalytic concepts. It is concluded that it is from the phenomena that clash that the potentiality can be located, which leads the freudian interpretation to take new directions. Looking at his texts as you look at a masterpiece - with attention to details - it is possible the emerge of a new on Freud.
Keywords : psychoanalysis; interpretation; aesthetics.