Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
On-line version ISSN 1808-4281
SANTOS, Volmir Mielczarski dos and D'AGORD, Marta Regina de Leão. Incidences of Psychoanalysis in Institutions: Clinical Devices for Children and Adolescents with Severe Psychic Disorders. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.3, pp.940-952. ISSN 1808-4281.
In the present article, we present the results of our research on the incidences of psychoanalysis in teams that work in institutions that assist children and adolescents. The reflections on these incidences are developed from the perspective of the possibility of proposing clinical devices for children and adolescents with severe mental disorders. Our elaboration goes through an exercise in expanding the psychoanalytic clinical praxis that can give methodological support to the proposition of these clinical devices. Our theoretical-methodological contribution retrieves what Maud Mannoni (1988) called the "overflow" (éclat) of the institution, practiced at the Bonneuil School since 1969. This historical contribution has repercussions on the current processes of practice among many. These practices, currently carried out in institutions in Brazil and other countries, seek to guide interventions not based on the requirements of specialists, but based on a hypothesis about the unique position of children and adolescents in the relationship with the field of speech and language.
Keywords : clinical devices; social inclusion; inclusion; autism; psychosis.