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Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica

Print version ISSN 1809-6867


JUSTO, Henrique. Paths of the person-centered approach in southern Brazil. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2012, vol.18, n.1, pp.95-104. ISSN 1809-6867.

Initially, some phenomenological foundations of the PCA. As Brazil is very large, divide the history of the PCA at least infour parts: southern, central, northeast and north. Stresses the initiation and development of the PCA in the south region, as precursor in the formation of psychologists in the 50's. The law regulating the profession of psychologist in Brazil dates 1962. The author, trained in psychoanalysis, discovered Carl Rogers through a book by Roberto Zavalloni, Italian, who had studied with Rogers. As an university professor, studied at Barcelona (1956-57) and Paris (1966-67). In France deepened Rogerian theory with Peretti, Dardelin and Hameline. Returning to Brazil, began to spread the new vision. In client-centered therapy, cites examples of people who could help solve difficult problems. Talk about the positive effects of encounter groups, with the transcript testimony of participants. Is broader, referring to the student-centered teaching, as few teachers who use Rogerian. Presents views of academics and high school students confirming the efficacy of the new method.

Keywords : Person Centered Approach; Carl Rogers; Histoy of Psychology in Brazil.

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