Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica
Print version ISSN 1809-6867
DOURADO, Aíla Matos; QUIRINO, Cristiane Alves; LIMA, Monzitti Baumann de Almeida and MELO, Shirley Macêdo Vieira de. Experiences of psychology students in listening development workshops. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2016, vol.22, n.2, pp.209-218. ISSN 1809-6867.
This research is part of the interface between Organizational and Work Psychology (OWP) and Clinical Psychology. The overall objective was to understand how the experiences happened to psychology students at the Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco (Petrolina/PE), who participated in workshops on listening development. In particular, it was sought to describe the results obtained in the processes experienced in the workshops; identifying the developed competences and describing the learning gains achieved. The study consisted of a qualitative research of phenomenological nature. Nineteen undergraduates took part, responding to open interviews with starter question, and discussed freely about their experiences. The results indicated therapeutic ranges, as the workshops, as well as reverberating in the personal and academic life of each subject, allowed raising awareness for the care for oneself and for the others. Students recognized the clinical listening as an inseparable tool to the work of psychologist. The core competencies developed were: knowledge about clinical psychological practice, differentiation from the common clinical listening, interpersonal skills, confidentiality and self-care. It was concluded that Listening Development workshops, by favoring the appropriation of uniqueness and fostering new modes of subjectivation, may be a modality in clinical practice in OWP in psychology degree.
Keywords : Listening; Psychologist training; Organizational and work psychology; Competence development; Clinical psychology.