Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica
Print version ISSN 1809-6867
FIGUEIREDO, William Bezerra. The passage from the infans to puer in the Guarani world system. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2017, vol.23, n.3, pp.334-339. ISSN 1809-6867.
The Guarani education is related in the system word-soul-world (Teko) where the child is in a development path of becoming being good and beauty. Those Guarani traits makes them understand the passage of the infans to the puer as related to the maturity of the divine word-soul, that is being natured inside the child. When it starts to speak, it's understood that the child achieved the moment for name imposition. That passage is marked by the baptism, and that has a great meaning for the community, where every word is unique and sacred. To speak is a moment of great festivity, and it is very important because from the heavenly the deities show themselves through each child, as the seed of nhemongarai. The period from the pre-birth until the first two years of life is full of caring for the child's needs, which can be assumed as a complex system that allowed the child to live the ludic and also to have life-experiences as a manner to build a profound comprehension of its own psicomotricity and cognitive development.
Keywords : Guarani educacion; Teko; word-soul-name; Nhemongarai; rite of passage.