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Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica

Print version ISSN 1809-6867


SILVA, Manuel Moreira da. Postmodern form of thinking and emancipation of the human. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2019, vol.25, n.3, pp.264-273. ISSN 1809-6867.

This article aims an explanation of the form of thinking (Denkform) and the conception of emancipation that emerged from around the middle of the twentieth century; strictly speaking, the structure of thought through which individuals organize their world experience or attempt to emancipate themselves in the present. It seeks to show to what extent the postmodern human thinks and acts in a world that no longer shapes itself as a natural cosmos (in this case, the ancient and medieval) or as a represented world (the modern and contemporary, in the process of Dissipation), or even as language (this still subordinated to representation), but as image. Finally, the article examines the challenges and ways of overcoming them, as well as their consequences, for the human person, of a think that has left behind the security of the natural community of the ancients and the formal freedom of self-consciousness fully aware of the spirit sure of itself in the modernity. A thought which, however, does not allow itself to be led by any blind trust in the language of the present; but, on the contrary, modulates it according to the images in which it thinks and moves in its equally oscillating emancipation.

Keywords : Thinking in images; antipodeans; strong thought; weak thought.

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