Psicologia para América Latina
On-line version ISSN 1870-350X
CAMPOS, Bruna Rafaele Rodrigues et al. Collective Cora Carolina: The Construction of Oldness, Subjectivities and Potentialities. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2021, n.36, pp.161-169. ISSN 1870-350X.
This work is an experience report on the construction of different knowledge. Such intersection is presented with the Cora Carolina Collective, studies and practices on brazilian oldness, public policies and different areas of knowledge, especially psychology. The composition of its members and activities are described here from its formation, description of ideas, territory and practices with the elderly population of a city in the brazilian countryside. Initially our practice is focused on elderly people inserted in Long- term care institutions and itam extends to the complexity of different oldness. Crossed, in the contemporary, by the pandemic of COVID-19, we implemented and extended our activities to the virtual environment, which allowed a greater coverage both to the participating public as well as the participation of guests who enriched our discourse of constant search for a dignified old age, holder of rights and duties, as well as provides the Brazilian Federal Constitution.
Keywords : Collective; Psychology; Oldness; Rights.