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Revista do NUFEN

On-line version ISSN 2175-2591


FLORES, Andréa Bentes  and  LIMA, Wladilene de Sousa. Household, can I come in to take care?: A theater-healing at the reach of touch. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2017, vol.9, n.1, pp.20-39. ISSN 2175-2591.

This article is a report that seeks to map traces of the pulsating experiences of the Generous Theater, practiced by the Coletivas Xoxós in the residences of Belém, as a quiasmatic scenic experiment aimed at the domicile space, located on the border between theater, spirituality and care. The body of the text relates images of the work and poetic writing in a memorial tone, revealing the poetic procedures experienced house-to-house by the narrative actresses, at the reach of touch, while making evident the care of the other as the premise of the work. The Generous Theater has proved to be a poetic power that penetrates the space of intimacy of people to establish vibrations, intensities, choices and healing.

Keywords : Generous Theater; Care; Chiasmus; Space of intimacy.

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