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Psicologia Ensino & Formação

Print version ISSN 2177-2061


DIOGO, Nara Maria Forte et al. In the Ways of the Wind: video production as a pedagogical strategy in the professional training of psychologists. Psicol. Ensino & Form. [online]. 2011, vol.2, n.1, pp.21-32. ISSN 2177-2061.

The paper presents a discussion on video production as a pedagogical strategy for the subjects Community Psychology and Environmental Psychology. The video had the history of public transportation in Parnaíba and its influence on the formation of collective identities as theme. It attempted to portray the city in everyday life and movement, with its ambiguities and contradictions, present in the cooperative of vans and in the dwellers speech to report its history and its present condition in relation to the problem of transport in the city. The video is an aesthetic experience and gives voice to the residents not only as users of the transportation system but as people involved in the problems of their town and who are annoyed with the absence of dialogue on collective issues as well.

Keywords : Teaching of psychology; Enviromental psychology; Community psychology; Video production.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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