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Revista Polis e Psique

On-line version ISSN 2238-152X


SILVA, Jordana Rodrigues da; GUAZINA, Félix Miguel Nascimento; PIZZINATO, Adolfo  and  ROCHA, Kátia Bones. The singular of therapeutic project: (im)possibilities of constructions in CAPSi. Rev. Polis Psique [online]. 2019, vol.9, n.1, pp.127-146. ISSN 2238-152X.

The present study aims to comprehend how the singularities of the user are considered in the process of constructing of their Singular Therapeutic Project, based on the perception of the staff of a Center for Psychosocial Attention of Infancy and Adolescence, located in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. The research of exploratory and descriptive character, of a qualitative nature was used as a method of obtaining data from the focal group technique, which occurred in one meeting, with six professionals of different professional areas from the Center for Psychosocial Attention of Infancy and Adolescence in question. The data were submitted to a content analysis technique, which resulted in three categories, being: Considerations about the singular in the construction of the Singular Therapeutic Project; Desire and its (dis) encounters in the Singular Therapeutic Project process; The singular therapeutic project as a building possibility in Center for Psychosocial Attention of Infancy and Adolescence. It is considered that the Singular Therapeutic Project is a working tool used in the field of mental health which allows the link between institution and subject, considering its totality and including in this process its socio-historical-cultural context, family, its singularity and desires. It is essential to consider the user in a place of singular subject in this process, as it characterizes the Singular Therapeutic Project and allows a humanized care.

Keywords : Mental Health; Singular Therapeutic Project; Humanized care; Childhood and Adolescence.

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