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Revista Polis e Psique

On-line version ISSN 2238-152X


ALVES, Talita Noronha  and  GAMA, Juliana Fonsêca de Almeida. A possible relationship between the unclassifiable and liquid modernity. Rev. Polis Psique [online]. 2021, vol.11, n.1, pp.05-26. ISSN 2238-152X.

Psychoanalysis was very concerned with understanding the societies and subjects that compose it, and, from this, Freud developed the three clinical structures. However, However, with Lacan psychosis started to be more explored theoretically and clinically. Then, with Miller and the "formalization" of the term "ordinary psychosis", in 1998, there are also the "unclassifiable", who escape these structures. In sociology, Bauman coined the term "Liquid Modernity", to refer to this time of subject disbussing, of escape and loss of reference, which motivated us to discuss, theoretically, which relationships are between this modernity and the existing psychic structures and recognized by Freud-Lacanian psychoanalysis. Carried out through a bibliographic review from Freud, Lacan, Miller and Bauman's work, which results in the, resulting in the understanding that the forms of jouissance multiplied and their symbolic value for the subject shattered; what used to be the rule, today is yet another symptom deviation.

Keywords : Psychoanalysis; Ordinary Psychosis; Liquid Modernity.

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