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Estilos da Clinica
Print version ISSN 1415-7128On-line version ISSN 1981-1624


Table of contents
Estilos clin. vol.11 no.20 São Paulo June 2006

        · text in Portuguese
 ·  Sociodrama: a group role playing device and an accompaniment device with a pre-therapeutic aim
Balzani, Bernard

 ·  Child searching for window: maternal function and trauma
Zornig, Silvia Abu-Jamra; Levy, Lídia

 ·  The violent no
Marin, Isabel Kahn

 ·  On adolescent writing
Lima, Maria Celina Peixoto

 ·  The maternal intimacy: The psychoanalysis contribution to research about the babies
Benhaim, Michèle

 ·  Intellectual inhibition: manejos clínicos
Nezan, Monica de Barros Cunha

 ·  Subject constitution X Child development: a false dilemma
Magalhães, Darlene Denise Machado de Moura Oliveira de

 Wanderley, Daniele de Brito
        · text in Portuguese
 Pedrosa, Maria Aparecida de Luna
        · text in Portuguese

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