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Revista Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas
Print version ISSN 1808-5687On-line version ISSN 1982-3746


Table of contents
Rev. bras.ter. cogn. vol.1 no.2 Rio de Janeiro Dec. 2005

        · text in Portuguese
 ·  Cognitive interview and cognitive-behavioral therapy: from forensics to clinical practice
Pergher, Giovanni Kuckartz; Stein, Lilian Milnitsky

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese
 ·  Psychoterapy and neurosciences: a fruitul and necessary intersection
Peres, Julio Fernando Prieto; Nasello, Antonia Gladys

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese
 ·  Constructivism and cognitive therapy: epistemological subjects
Castañon, Gustavo Arja

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese
 ·  Attchment theory and the cognitive psychoterapy practice
Abreu, Cristiano Nabuco de

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese
 ·  Cultural aspects and the application of cognitive behavioral therapy: a case study
Minatogawa, Taís Michele; Neto, Francisco Lotufo

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese
 ·  O papel do supervisor de pesquisas com psicoterapia em clínica-escola: The supervisor's role in psychoterapy research in university centers
Silvares, Edwiges Ferreira de Mattos; Pereira, Rodrigo Fernando

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese
 ·  A study of the social skills of the fibromyalgic patients
Penido, Maria Amélia; Fortes, Sandra; Rangé, Bernard

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese
 ·  Menopause transition: feminine midlife crisis and its physical and emotional challenges
Souza, Carmen Lúcia

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese
 ·  Personal and social competencies promotion with the ederly: a community intervention program
Matos, Margarida Gaspar de; Branco, Joana Duarte; Carvalhosa, Susana Fonseca; Silva, Marlene Nunes; Carvalhosa, João

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese
 ·  Cognitive-behavioral group therapy in children with ADHD: studying a clinical model
Bellé, Andressa Henke; Caminha, Renato Maiato

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese
 ·  Transtorno de pânico: da teoria à prática
Shinohara, Helene

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese
 ·  Therapeutic mechanisms in chemical dependency
Karkow, Mônica Junqueira; Caminha, Renato Maiato; Benetti, Sílvia Pereira da Cruz

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese
 ·  Estudo de relações entre fobia social e uso do álcool: Study of the relation between social phobia and drinking alchool
Bittencourt, Simone Armentano; Oliveira, Margareth da Silva; Souza, Cristiane Cauduro de

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in Portuguese
 Domingos, Neide Aparecida Micelli
        · text in Portuguese

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