Jornal de Psicanálise
Print version ISSN 0103-5835
MARONI, Amnéris. Psychoanalysis and social sciences: interlacing new paths in research. J. psicanal. [online]. 2006, vol.39, n.71, pp.231-246. ISSN 0103-5835.
This is a testimony about new paths of research in Social Sciences which take into account human subjectivity: my first contacts, the discovery of its richness and the actual instrumentation and practice of such paths with my post-graduation students in Social Sciences. My approach takes into account various elements present in the psychoanalythical method: a redefinition of the subject and object notion, the inscription of the concept of the "right-time" in research, the kairotic time; the presence of the "analytical third¨, or the "third partner" in"qualitative research. I give special importance"to the learning elements that such paths of research open up: 1) the transformation of the very thinking frame of the researcher: from penetrating, legislative, egoic thought to welcoming, meditative thought; 2) a different way of conceiving"reality whereby the subjective and the objective intermingle whithout entagling one another, that is the so-called "intermediate space".
Keywords : Analytical third, or third partner; Kairotic time; Legislative thought; Meditative thought; Intermediate space.