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vol.46 issue85Transference: dialogue with a younger colleagueFrom corridor's rustling to the power of a speech: AMF as an interstitial space author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Jornal de Psicanálise

Print version ISSN 0103-5835


CASSORLA, Roosevelt M. S.. After all, what is enactment?. J. psicanal. [online]. 2013, vol.46, n.85, pp.183-198. ISSN 0103-5835.

The author reports clinical investigation which led him to find the concept of enactment. The thorough study of analytical field explosions revealed that they undo dual collusions among the members of analytical dyad. These collusions freeze primal traumatic situations. At the same time, the analyst using his explicit or implicit alpha-function recovers the symbolic defective or nonexistent network. When it is recomposed the trauma is revived in the analytical field through the contact with the triangular reality. This way the analytical dyad can dream-for-two. It is shown that these situations reveal borderline configurations which are externalized in the analytical field. The enactment concept is reviewed and it is proposed to name the dual collusion as chronic enactment and acute enactment to the situations in which these collusions are dissolved. Finally, through metapsychological approximations, the factors related to the studied situations, such as vicissitudes of the symbolization processes in primal areas, defensive pathological organizations and unconscious communication among the members of the analytical dyad are discussed.

Keywords : enactment; symbolization; borderline; trauma; Agieren.

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