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Jornal de Psicanálise

Print version ISSN 0103-5835


PRYZANT, Evelyn. A gift for the analyst: clippings of a psychoanalytic group session. J. psicanal. [online]. 2015, vol.48, n.88, pp.153-160. ISSN 0103-5835.

Taking into account Freud's self-censorship in "The Psychology of the Masses", in which he considered himself unfair for prioritizing the leader and putting the factor of mutual suggestion of individuals in the group on the back burner (each individual's relationship with other individuals), the author aims to reflect on the group dynamics and therapeutic potential by using the concepts of projective identification and transference-countertransference. She makes an analogy between the rainbow and the group. She also uses excerpts of a psychoanalytic group session in order to investigate the development and the scientific knowledge of group psychoanalysis about some topics such as "the unexplainable contagious," "the submerging heterogeneous", "the contradictions of the group mind" - these topics consist in a vast field of study to be explored.

Keywords : group psychoanalysis; projective identification; transference; countertransference; mutual suggestion of individuals in the group.

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