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Jornal de Psicanálise

Print version ISSN 0103-5835


FRANCA, João Baptista N. F.. The Analytical Encounter: the emphasis on the internal world. J. psicanal. [online]. 2015, vol.48, n.88, pp.219-235. ISSN 0103-5835.

This paper shows the author's approach to the analytical encounter, with an emphasis on the internal world of each one of the two participants, and on their interactions. After a clinical vignette that was brought as a stimulation and an excerpt of theoretical understanding, the author examines what happens with the patient, who seeks an analysis, and with the analyst, in his clinical practice. The author gives priority to the concept of primary transference in order to place subjects relating to the patient's internal world. He also focuses on the analyst's personality, working on two levels: unfolding the countertranference issue in the use of the skills that he acquired during psychoanalytic training, and in the existing emotional aspect. The professional preparation of the analyst is described in terms of vocation, years of training, and all ups and downs after his final graduation. Then the author brings up some issues related to the analytic bond and the two-person interaction, focusing on intersubjectivity and general bounds. He writes about other levels of events in the analytical encounter, such as nonverbal behavior, performings and enactments, and the existence of other scene - a scene that underlies the encounter - in a more comprehensive way.

Keywords : analytical encounter; internal world; primary transference; analytic function; intersubjectivity.

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