Revista Psicopedagogia
Print version ISSN 0103-8486
NOFFS, Neide de Aquino and RODRIGUES, Carla Maria Rezende. Andragogy in Psychopedagogy: the role with adults. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2011, vol.28, n.87, pp.283-292. ISSN 0103-8486.
With this article, we aim to expose the research being developed in the NAPAp/PUC-SP (Núcleo de Apoio Psicopedagógico à Aprendizagem) and presented in a lecture, given by Prof. Neide de Aquino Noffs, at the IV International Symposium on Psychopedagogy, held in Sao Paulo, in 2010, by Associação Brasileira de Psicopedagogia (ABPp). Such research leads us to note that the Psychopedagogy for decades focused on building activities with children and adolescents of school age. However, after the implementation of the Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior (SINAES), which was included as an indicator for evaluating the degree courses and pedagogy the item "student service" we mean that it is necessary to reflect and review the actions developed pedagogical in Higher Education. This item to be evaluated will be scored from 1 to 5 and the standard of review includes levels of implementation (or not) programs for "extra class attendance and grading activity" beyond psychopedagogical service offered by the institution. Supported this assumption, we started from 2007, an intervention project through the NAPAp/PUC-SP. This core, taken by students of Psychopedagogy in the institutional approach, coordinated and supervised by Prof. Neide de Aquino Noffs, is building tools and methodologies specific to adults seeking assistance to identify and / or improve their academic performance, professional and personal. In this paper, we discuss the contributions of this action in the expansion of the field of adult learning: andragogy.
Keywords : Teaching; Learning; Education; higher.