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vol.29 issue89Performance in reading assignments through the model (RTI): response to intervention in public education schoolThe importance of early stimulation in cases at risk for dyslexia: a psychopedagogical focus author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Revista Psicopedagogia

Print version ISSN 0103-8486


PINHEIRO, Lia; CORREA, Jane  and  MOUSINHO, Renata. The effectiveness of speech therapist intervention in the evaluation of learning disabilities. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2012, vol.29, n.89, pp.215-225. ISSN 0103-8486.

OBJECTIVES: Analyze the effectiveness of speech therapist intervention using remediation strategies in the evaluation of learning disabilities as well as in the development of linguistic-cognitive skills related to reading. The methodology response to intervention aims to distinguish temporary difficulties to those that indicate specific learning disorders. METHODS: We studied the protocols of assessment and intervention applied in 48 children in the 1st year of a federal elementary school in the city of Rio de Janeiro. They were reassessed regarding linguistic-cognitve skills after a year of speech therapy to investigate the benefits of this stimulation. RESULTS: All children were benefited from the intervention, but the effects of this were more prominent in children with alterations in only a few components of phonological processing. Children with important deficits in phonological processing benefited from the intervention, although they seem to take longer to transfer these advances to reading. CONCLUSION: Early intervention has proven effective in the development phonological processing skills either in the early intervention or in the remediation of learning difficulties in reading.

Keywords : Reading; Learning; Learning disorders.

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