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Revista Psicopedagogia

Print version ISSN 0103-8486


DORNELES, Caroline Lacerda; CARDOSO, Aliana Anghinoni  and  CARVALHO, Fernanda Antoniolo Hammes de. Youth and adults education from the perspective of the Neurosciences. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2012, vol.29, n.89, pp.244-255. ISSN 0103-8486.

This paper intends to discuss the Youth and Adults Education from the perspective of the Neurosciences. It aims to further understand the pathway of this educational modality in Brazil and outline a profile of these youth and adults. From that, we focus on biological and social differences that are part of this stage of life and, in some occasions, have an impact on their learning process. We believe education, associated to neurosciences, might help to understand the cognitive structure of adults and their aging process, since many learning difficulties found by these adults are attributed to age, several changes and decreases in their biological structure. However, in this stage of life, there is also space to major learnings and achievements, and education professionals must understand these changes so that they can help to break with the stereotype that people undergoing the aging process are not able to learn anymore. Therefore, when studying this person biologically and socially, we can develop more significant pedagogical practices, aimed at their interests and needs in order to allow their learning and continuity of the studies.

Keywords : Education; Adult; Neurosciences; Aging.

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