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Revista Psicopedagogia

Print version ISSN 0103-8486


NATEL, Maria Cristina; TARCIA, Rita Maria Lino de  and  SIGULEM, Daniel. The human learning: each person with his/her style. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2013, vol.30, n.92, pp.142-148. ISSN 0103-8486.

How people feel and think of challenges, each person manages and searches for a solution in a personal way. Applying a strategy, choosing a specific way, deciding between two alternatives indicate a personal and unique approach to deal with information. How do human beings learn? Understanding how people elaborate and process information is one way of getting to know how a human being learns in both systems, formal and distance learning. Different theoretical assumptions, among others, may explain this phenomenon as the Theory of Multiple Intelligence, the Theory of Cognitive Styles and also the Theory of Learning Styles. Aiming at making the connection among the concepts cognitive styles, multiple intelligence and learning styles, we have searched in the literature the reasoning to clarify the concepts mentioned which could be the reason to review the teaching and learning processes.

Keywords : Learning; Intelligence; Cognition.

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