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Revista Psicopedagogia

Print version ISSN 0103-8486


RIBEIRO, Renata; CIASCA, Sylvia Maria  and  CAPELATTO, Iuri Victor. Relation between family resources and schoolarship performance on 5th year public elementary school students. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2016, vol.33, n.101, pp.164-174. ISSN 0103-8486.

INTRODUCTION: It is common on scholar environment to hear teachers highlighting that family is grandly guilty by children's difficulties at school; that good students have present parents and other environmental stimulations, which favor a good academic performance. By this reason, the present research objectified to evaluate the familiar environmental resources and correlate it to the scholar performance of 5th grade students from Brazilian elementary public school. METHODS: A selection of 23 students participating from the 5th grade with average age of 10.9 years old. The instruments were the Scholar Performance Test (TDE) on the students, and an interview on the parents of such students using the Inventory of Familiar Environment Resources (RAF). RESULTS: in this sample, there was a positive correlation between scholar performance and some items of the familiar environment, such as ownership of books, magazines and pedagogic toys, going out on family, scheduled extra scholar activities, and following scholar homework up. CONCLUSION: Therefore, in this study, it was possible to observe that children who receive home stimulations present higher chances to achieve satisfactory scholar performance. As suggestion, future research relating scholar performance with familiar resources at public and private spheres, in order to obtain relevant data towards education and the availability of familiar environmental resources.

Keywords : Family; Reading; Educational status; Socioeconomic factors.

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