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Revista Psicopedagogia

Print version ISSN 0103-8486


GALINDO, Gislaine Medeiros  and  SILVA, Ivanildo Mangueira da. Psychopedagogical contributions to reading in the construction of knowledge. Rev. psicopedag. [online]. 2022, vol.39, n.119, pp.251-261. ISSN 0103-8486.

Psychopedagogy institutes, in principle, the reconciliation of two knowledge - psychology and pedagogy, because it has as object of study the being in the process of construction of knowledge. It is necessary to insert the psychopedagogue in the school environment, since its role is to analyze and indicate the factors that benefit, interfere or impair good learning in an institution. Reading based on the construction of this work facilitates reflection and suggests the question: Why read? Essentially to form critical readers, able to change the world. The practice of reading provides us with knowledge and knowledge, which facilitate daily living, because reading and interpreting makes life pleasurable is an act of learning of the human being who, faced with the fact of opening new horizons, improving vocabulary, helping in textual construction, favors the learning of specific contents and improving writing. The habit of reading is a valuable practice, we can store knowledge and transmit it to the new generations. The aim of this article is to highlight the importance of psychopedagogue in the life of the educator and the student. In its methodological development will include bibliographic research on reading resources in articles, books, magazines and others that address the theme. By analyzing the deficiency that students see presenting in the area of reading and writing, we decided to develop this research in order to alleviate the problem. It is possible to reaffirm that Psychopedagogy contributes to Education, expanding the possibilities of searches and reflections on the learning process.

Keywords : Students; Reading; Writing; Psychopedagogy; Knowledge of the World.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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