Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise
Print version ISSN 0486-641X
ADAMO, Vera Lúcia Colussi Lamanno. Considerations on the work on the negative from a clinical experience. Rev. bras. psicanál [online]. 2013, vol.47, n.4, pp.47-58. ISSN 0486-641X.
Taking an analytical experience as a starting point, and based on the concept of the work on the negative, elaborated by Green (1993/2010), the author discusses a dynamic where the negative occupies a predominant place of refusal of choice and contradictions. A dynamic where Yes and No, Presence and Absence are in almost complete incommunicability, permitting the development of a mental field characterized by the rejection of everything and, at the same time, an appropriation of everything, in annulment. A structure which eliminates, through extreme levels of splitting, expulsion and closing down, supression and annulment, any notion of an existence with partnership (copulation, fertilization, gestation). It is also discussed that this mental configuration exposes the analyst to a continuous process of destruction/survival of his own mental capabilities. Survival being related to the capacity of the analyst neither to retaliate nor to succumb to the pact of elimination of a creative mental relationship. The analytical work as being achieved through the maintenance of the linking of the affects, images and words as they are experienced and expressed in transference and countertransference.
Keywords : the work on the negative; presence; absence; symbolization processes.