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Temas em Psicologia

Print version ISSN 1413-389X


PRIMI, Ricardo; NAKANO, Tatiana de Cássia  and  WECHSLER, Solange Muglia. Cross-battery factor analysis of the Battery of Reasoning Abilities (BPR-5) and Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Ability (WJ-III): Bateria de Habilidades de Raciocínio (BPR-5) e Bateria de Habilidades Cognitivas Woodcock-Johnson III. Temas psicol. [online]. 2012, vol.20, n.1, pp.121-132. ISSN 1413-389X.

This study performed a cross battery confirmatory factor analysis of BPR-5 and WJ-III in order to investigate which latent constructs are being measured by the subtests of both batteries. The sample was composed of 90 Psychology undergraduate students (68% women), ages ranging from 20 to 46 (M=26.49, SD=7.16). These students answered eleven subtests (5 from BPR-5 and 6 from WJ-III) as a part of their assessment course. Results supported a model of three correlated factors comprised of crystallized intelligence-Gc verbal reasoning (vocabulary, synonyms, antonyms, analogies), fluid intelligence-Gf (abstract reasoning, concept formation and spatial relations) and visual processing-Gv (spatial reasoning, mechanical reasoning and numerical reasoning). Highly intelligent subjects also demonstrated an imbalanced profile of Gv over Gc. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the construct validity of these test batteries and confirmed the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) broad factors model for understanding and measuring intellectual differences.

Keywords : Cattell-Horn-Carroll theory; Cognitive abilities; Validity; Intelligence; Psychometrics.

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