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vol.13 issue2Stressful events and coping strategies among adolescents: implications for LearningCritical comment on Humberto Maturana´s concept of autopoiesis and education author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Psicologia Escolar e Educacional

Print version ISSN 1413-8557


FRANCO, Adriana de Fátima. The self-esteem myth and the school learning. Psicol. esc. educ. [online]. 2009, vol.13, n.2, pp.325-332. ISSN 1413-8557.

This article analyzes the social construction of self-esteem and its relations to school failure from the socio-historical perspective. According to Vigotski´s studies it is impossible to ascribe the concept that the individual makes of her/himself to natural human attributes existing from the day of her/his birth. The understanding of the human being is grounded on an analysis of man as a concrete, social, historical and cultural being who constructs her/his humanity in the interaction with other people. The psychological processes are not given, but acquired. We present a critical analysis of the theoretical models that consider self-esteem as a closed concept in itself. This analysis of self-esteem within the school context is fundamental when one wants to demystify some concepts in school relations.

Keywords : Academic failure; Conscience; Self-esteem.

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